সোমবার, ২৮ মার্চ, ২০১৬

ধর্ষণ করতে গিয়ে লিঙ্গ হারালেন আওয়ামীলীগ নেতা

ঝালকাঠির কাঁঠালিয়া উপজেলায় এক গৃহবধূকে ধর্ষণ করতে গিয়ে লিঙ্গ হারালেন থানা পুলিশের দালাল খ্যাত আব্দুল মন্নান (রেন্ট-এ-কার মন্নান) (৪০)।
শনিবার গভীর রাতে উপজেলার আমরিবুনিয়া গ্রামে এ ঘটনার পর স্থানীয়রা মন্নানকে গণপিটুনি দিয়েছে। বর্তমানে তিনি হাসপাতালে চিকিৎসাধীন রয়েছেন।
দুই সন্তানের জননী ওই গৃহবধূ জানান, মন্নান বহুদিন ধরে তাকে কু-প্রস্তাব দিয়ে আসছিল। এ প্রস্তাবে গৃহবধূ রাজি না হওয়ায় তার স্বামীর বিরুদ্ধে চুরির মিথ্যে অভিযোগ তুলে তাকে বাড়িছাড়া করে।
তিনি জানান, ঘটনার রাতে মন্নান তার বাড়িতে গিয়ে দরজায় আঘাত করলে, দরজা খুলে তিনি মন্নানকে দেখতে পান। কিছু বুঝে না উঠতেই মন্নান তার মুখ চেপে ধরে ভয়ভীতি দেখিয়ে ধর্ষণের চেষ্টা করে।
এ সময় গৃহবধূ ছুরি দিয়ে তার লিঙ্গে আঘাত করে। এতে তার লিঙ্গ কেটে যায়। উভয়ের চিৎকারে প্রতিবেশীরা এসে মন্নানকে গণধোলাই দেয়।
স্থানীয় ইউপি সদস্য মাঈনুল হোসেন বলেন, ‘আমি বিষয়টি চেয়ারম্যানকে অবহিত করে গুরুতর আহত মন্নানকে উপজেলা স্বাস্থ্যকেন্দ্রে পাঠিয়ে দেই।’
হাসপাতাল সূত্রে জানা গেছে, উন্নত চিকিৎসার জন্য আহত মন্নানকে রোববার দুপুরে বরিশাল শের-ই বাংলা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতালের প্রেরণ করা হয়েছে।
স্থানীয়রা জানান, রেন্ট-এ কার মন্নান দীর্ঘদিন যাবৎ কাঁঠালিয়া থানা পুলিশের দালাল হিসেবে কাজ করে আসছিল। পাশাপাশি তিনি ক্ষমতাসীন আওয়ামীলীগের রাজনীতির সাথে জড়িত
কাঁঠালিয়া থানার ডিউটি অফিসার উপ-পরিদর্শক (এসআই) আবদুল মালেক জানান, এ ব্যাপারে থানায় মামলা হয়নি।

কবর থেকে তনুর মরদেহ তোলা হচ্ছে মঙ্গলবার

সোহাগী জাহান তনু -ফাইল ছবি
কুমিল্লা ভিক্টোরিয়া কলেজের ছাত্রী ও নাট্যকর্মী সোহাগী জাহান তনুর লাশের সুরতহাল প্রতিবেদন পুনরায় তৈরি ও ময়নাতদন্তের জন্য মরদেহ কবর থেকে তোলার আদেশ দিয়েছেন কুমিল্লার জুডিশিয়াল ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট আদালত। তদন্ত সংস্থা গোয়েন্দা পুলিশের (ডিবি) আবেদনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে আদালত এ আদেশ দেন।
সোমবার বিকেলে তদন্ত কর্মকর্তা কুমিল্লা ডিবির ওসি একেএম মঞ্জুরুল আলম সমকালকে জানান, আদালতের নির্দেশনা মেনে একজন ম্যাজিস্ট্রেটের নেতৃত্বে মঙ্গলবার তনুর মরদেহ কবর থেকে তোলা হবে।

তনুর পরে এবার তুবার নৃশংস মৃত্যু,ঘটনাটি শুনলে আপনার চোখে পানি চলে আসবে

১৩ বছরের ছোট্ট একটি মেয়ে নাম লামিয়া তাবাসসুম তুবা। নামের মতোই কিউট ছিলো ছোট্ট মেয়েটি। আর মুখে লেগে থাকতো অসম্ভব সুন্দর হাসি। আর পড়া লেখা সেটা ক্যাডেট কলেজের সবারি জানা। হ্যাঁ, সেই ছোট্ট মেয়েটি পড়তো ফেনী ক্যাডেট কলেজের অষ্টম শ্রেণীতে।
যে কিনা প্রতিটি পরিক্ষায় ৯০ এর উপর নাম্বার পেয়ে বিগত ১০ বছরের রেকর্ড ভঙ্গ করেছিলো। শুধু লেখা পড়াই না খেলাধুলার দিক দিয়েও কলেজের সিনিয়রদের থেকেও এগিয়ে ছিলো। বাবা মা দুজনেই ছিলো কুমিল্লা ক্যাডেট কলেজের শিক্ষক।
মেয়ের এইসব প্রতিভার জন্য তারা তুবাকে নিয়ে গর্ব করতো । কিন্তু তুবাকে নিয়ে বাবা মায়ের সেই গর্ব করার সময়কাল টা বেশিদিন টিকলো না। কেননা গত ২২শে মার্চ মঙ্গলবার সকালে তুবার লাশ পাওয়া যায় ক্যাডেট কলেজের বাথরুমে ঝুলন্ত অবস্থায়। কলেজ কর্তৃপক্ষ ঘটনাকে সুইসাইড বলে প্রচার করেছিলো ।কিন্তু প্রশ্ন হলো তুবা সুইসাইড কেনো করবে? কি ক্ষোভ ছিলো তার মনে ?
সত্যটা হলো ক্ষোভ তার মনে ছিলো না, ক্ষোভ ছিলো তার সহপাঠী ও তার সিনিয়রদের মনে। কারন এতো অল্প বয়সে তুবার প্রতিভা তারা মেনে নিতে পারে নি। তুবা প্রায়ই তার বাবা মা কে বলতো তার উপর সিনিয়রদের টর্চারের কথা। বাবা মা তাকে বুঝাতেন কেননা তারাই নিজেরাই জানতেন ক্যাডেট কলেজ নামক ‘কারাগারের’ ভিতরের কৃতকর্ম । দুইজনে ক্যাডেটের শিক্ষক হওয়াতে মেয়ের জন্য কলেজের কর্তৃপক্ষ কাছে অভিযোগ করার পথ ছিলো না। আশায় ছিলেন হয়তো একদিন ঠিক হয়ে যাবে। হয়তো তাদের আদরের তুবা সব সহ্য করে ঠিক হয়ে যাবে। কিন্তু সেই আশা যে নিরাশা হয়ে যাবে তা কে জানতো?
সব শেষ হয়ে গেলেও সেদিনের কলেজ কর্তৃপক্ষের কয়েকটি অবহেলার জন্য আজও মনে প্রশ্ন ঘুরপাক খাচ্ছে সেদিন তুবা কি আসলে সুইসাইড করেছিলো নাকি তাঁকে টর্চারে মেরে ফেলা হয়েছিলো ।
১) ঘটনার দিন সকাল বেলায় কলেজ কর্তৃপক্ষ ফোনে তুবার বাবা মাকে তুবার অসুস্থের কথা বলে ডেকে পাঠায় এবং তারা আসার পর কর্তৃপক্ষ তাদের মেয়েকে কেনো আগে দেখতে না দিয়ে তাদের সামনে একটি পেপার দিয়ে ওটাতে সাইন করতে বলে যেখানে তুবার সুইসাইডের কথা লেখা ছিলো ।
২) তুবার বাবা-মা এর অনমুতি ছাড়া পুলিশ লাশ নামিয়ে মর্গে নিয়ে যায় সেখান থেকে ময়না তদন্তের রিপোর্টে আত্বহত্যা বলে পরিবার কে জানানো হয়। কিন্তু তুবার শরীর ও হাতে বিভিন্ন আঘাতের চিনহ পাওয়া যায়।
৩)ঘটনার দিন তুবার মা যখন দৌড়ে কলেজের তুবার রুমে গেলো সেখানে তুবার ব্যবহৃত জিনিশপত্র এমনকি তুবার ব্যাক্তিগত ডাইরি টি কেনো খুজে পায়নি।
৪) সেদিন তুবার বাবা মায়ের সাথে কলেজের ছাত্রীদের সাথে কেনো কথা বলতে দেয়া হয়নি। ক্যাডেট কলেজ কতৃপক্ষ পরিবারকে কোন তথ্য না দিয়ে হোস্টেল বন্ধ দিয়ে দেন এবং কারো সাথে দেখা করার বা কোন তথ্য দিতে অস্বীকৃতি জানান।
৫) তুবা যদি ফাঁশি দিয়েই থাকে তাহলে কেনো তার হাতের চারটা নখ এ রক্তজমাট বাধা ছিলো।
6) এমনকি যারা তুবাকে গোসল করেছিলো তাদের ভাষ্যমতে তুবার কোমরের নিছে অনেক আঘাতের চিহ্ন ছিলো ।
এসব অনেক অজানা প্রশ্নের উত্তর ছাড়াই সেদিন বাবা মা আত্মীয় স্বজনরা ছোট্ট মেধাবী তুবাকে আজীবনের জন্য কবরে রেখে দিলো। আজকে হয়তো বাবা মা দুজনেই ক্যাডেট কলেজের টিচার হবার কারনে তাদেরকে মুখবন্ধ করে থাকতে হচ্ছে এবং অনেক হুমকির সম্মুখীন হতে হচ্ছে ।
বাইরের দিক থেকে সেরা প্রতিষ্ঠান মনে হওয়ায় অনেকে ছেলে মেয়ের সপ্ন থাকে ক্যাডেট এ পড়ার, কিন্তু বাস্তবে সেখানে যে বাচ্ছাদের কি অমানসিক নির্যাতনের ভেতর কাটাতে হয় তা কল্পনা করার মতো নয়। আজকে তুবার বাবা মার পক্ষে সম্ভব হবে না একা তুবার জন্য লড়াই করে আসল রহস্য বের করার। আমি বা আমরা কেউই চাই না ভবিষ্যতে আর কোন তুবার এমন মৃত্যু হোক। তাই দেশের সকল বিবেকবানদের কাছে অনুরোধ রইলো আমরা কি চাইনা দোষী ব্যাক্তিদের বিচার হোক। তারাই যতই ক্ষমতাশীল হোক না কেনো তারা কি শাস্তি পাবে না?? এর জন্য প্রয়োজন সুষ্ঠ তদন্ত।

WATCH: Record set as man shuffles down 200 marshmallows in one sitting

Matt Stonie had the Easter Bunny on his side when he set the new record of packing away the most marshmallows, known as peeps.
“Megatoad”, as Matt is also known on YouTube, posted the video to prove his accomplishment on Good Friday.
To break the record Matt swallowed about 5,600 calories or 1,360 grams of sugar of the bird-shaped sweets.
The competitive eater downed 200 peeps in less than 15 minutes YOUTUBE
CHALLENGE: The competitive eater downed 200 peeps in less than 15 minutes
Matt swallowed about 5,600 calories YOUTUBE
SICKENING: Matt swallowed about 5,600 calories or 1,360 grams of sugar
“My tongue is so saturated with sugar, oh my god”
Matt Stonie
Despite being used to tough challenges, Matt appeared to be struggling to accomplish his goal.
Just before the 100-peep mark he groaned: “My tongue is so saturated with sugar, oh my god.”
And at the 150 mark the professional eater looked like he regretted his decision to set the new record.
Matt Stonie had the Easter Bunny on his side YOUTUBE
IMPRESSIVE: Matt Stonie had the Easter Bunny on his side when he set the new record
Matt expressed disappointment over his time YOUTUBE
REGRET: Once Matt had tucked away his last bird he expressed disappointment
The competitive eater has previously tucked away a five-pound burrito, 182 slices of bacon and seven Shamrock Shakes from McDonald’s but this record appeared to get the better of him.
Once Matt had finished the impressive bowl of birds he expressed disappointment.
He said: “It took a little longer than I thought it would."

Liverpool star replaces Chelsea's Gary Cahill as England's stand-in captain

James Milner THE FA
SKIPPER: Milner will captain England tomorrow night
The Three Lions host Holland at Wembey.
Regular captain Wayne Rooney is out with a knee injury, so the responsibility is handed to Kop king Milner.
And 57-cap veteran will be the man wearing the armband as Roy Hodgson's side look to build on their 3-2 win over Germany on Saturday.
Hodgson is expected to make several changes to the side which came from behind to record a memorable victory in Berlin.
Fraser Forster will replace the injured Jack Butland in goal, while Danny Drinkwater will be given his debut for the national side.

Minimum wage f*****' Student's disgusting abuse of an Uber driver goes viral

The clip shows Jake Croman hurling abuse at Artur Zawada after he refused to let them in his cab.
Fuming, the gang of five students crowd around his front window and jeer at him.
And Croman — son to a wealthy New York property tycoon — unleashes a truly sickening torrent of abuse.
Jake Croman and his pals YOUTUBE
CRUEL: Croman taunts the driver in a disgusting show of arrogance
He tells Zawada: "There's fifty of you and there's one of me here, who will spend the most money.
"F*** you Artur you little f*****, f*** you.
"Want to kick me out?
"You kick me out you piece of s***."
Jake Croman YOUTUBE
SHOCKING: Croman sticks his head into the Uber driver's window to yell at him
And the Michigan University student degrades Zawada for his profession too.
He says: "You’re an Uber driver, go f****** drive you little f***. Minimum wage f*****."
Croman walks away but decides to deal a final blow as his cronies snigger in appreciation.
He turns to the car and adds: "You’re working all day? I’m going to sit on my a** and watch TV".
“They were hoping for trouble. They were hoping I would lose my cool”
Artur Zawada
The clip has been watched 300,000 times since it hit the web on Wednesday and it has caused uproar.
The Michigan University student is currently being investigated by his fraternity – who condemned the incident.
But Croman has since alleged that the Uber driver had refused to pick him up "on the basis of my religion".
"I am not proud of my reaction to his discrimination and I regret my choice of words.
Jake Croman was near University of Michigan YOUTUBE
CRUEL: Croman's university is said to be disgusted by the video
"Shortly after the verbal altercation, I filed a complaint with the Ann Arbor police department and they are now dealing with the issue,” he said.
Zawada denied the allegation and said that he knew of the student from previous trips and decided he would not pick him up after a series of bad experiences.
He said: "I already told him I would never take him again.
"He knew that but he didn't cancel the trip.
Uber app GETTY
UBER: Zatada says he has 4 star rating on Uber
"I pulled in I didn’t even say anything to the guy – and that happened.
"So I pulled out my cell phone and recorded him.
"He should just have cancelled before I came over.
"They were looking for trouble.

Nazi UFOs revealed: Hitler had flying saucers...and they may still be out there

Adolf Hitler and a selection of some of the so-called Nazi UFOs GETTY/IG
WUNDERWAFFE: Adolf Hitler and a selection of some of the so-called Nazi UFOs
Hitler's Nazi regime created a mind-bending arsenal of super-advanced but unbelievably bizarre "Wunderwaffe" – or "miracle weapons" – in the death throws of World War 2.
The Luftwaffe were building increasingly wacky aircraft – some shaped like discs or with circular wings.
A US Air Force probe concluded these experimental flying machines may be to blame for UFO sightings.
UFO hunters go further – and insist they still lie hidden in an underground base at the South Pole.
A front view of the Horten Ho 229 CC
FLYING WING: The front section of the Horten Ho 229
“They were the only craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO observers”
Captain Edward Ruppelt
This all may sound ridiculously far fetched – until you see the fantastic aircraft Nazi Germany really was making towards the end of the war.
In a fit of terrifying creativity, Nazi scientists created the world's first cruise missile, the first long-range ballistic missile, the first artificial object to reach space, one of the first military helicopters, a space shuttle – and started developing nuclear weapons.
British aeronautical engineer Roy Fedden – who led the mission to examine German expertise and research at the end of WW2 – said: "I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realise that if they had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare."
But some of the lesser-known planes bear a striking resemblance to flying saucers.
Brothers Reimar and Walter Horten built the world's first jet-powered "flying wing" – an aircraft without tail or fuselage.
The Horten Ho 229 was designed to answer Luftwaffe boss Hermann Göring's call for a bomber designs capable of meeting a "3×1000 requirement" – to carry 1,000kg of bombs a distance of 1,000km at a speed of 1,000kmph.
The US military seized the last Horten prototype as part of Operation Paperclip – a secret mission to captured advanced German weapons research to keep it out of Soviet hands.
The design mysteriously reappeared as the revolutionary B-2 "Stealth Bomber".
A Horton Ho 229 Flying Wing being unloaded WIKIPEDIA
BOX SET: The US seized the only surviving prototype
The Horten Ho 229 CC
MOTHBALLED: It is in storage at the Smithsonian Museum
The Northrop B-2 stealth bomber GETTY
STEALTH: The Northrop B-2 looks very similar to the Horten Ho 229
Engineer Arthur Sack spent the war trying to perfect an aeroplane with circular wings.
The Sack AS-6 finally became airborne in 1944 – just before the end of the war.
Photographs of the just-plain-weird plane survive – but the prototype mysteriously disappeared when American troops overran the Brandis air base, where it was stored, in April 1945.
The Sack AS-6 circular winged aircraft WIKIPEDIA
AROUND HERE: The Sack AS-6 had circular wings – like a flying saucer
The Sack AS-6 IG
DISC-O: Only photographs survive from the bizarre craft
Eugen Sänger and Irene Bredt designed the Silbervogel spaceplane for the 1942 "Amerika Bomber" mission to attack the mainland US.
The sub-orbital bomber – a precursor to the Space Shuttle – would be shot into space with a rocket booster and then "bounce" off the atmosphere.
The Arado E.555 was another "flying wing" design put forward for the Amerika Bomber mission.
The Nazi's Silbervogel space plane WIKIPEDIA
SHUTTLE: The Nazi's Silbervogel space plane
The launch of Space Shuttle Challenger GETTY
CHALLENGER: The Silbervogel design used the same principle as a Space Shuttle
But perhaps the most revolutionary – and most mystifying – Nazi UFO was Viktor Schauberger's "Repulsine" engine.
The Austrian inventor developed a round turbine engine that could create a vortex and rise straight upwards.
The SS captured Schauberger and made him try to turn the engine into a vertical takeoff aircraft – which looked exactly like a flying saucer.
The prototype crashed – but the research was said to be continued by a shadowy V2 rocket engineer called Dr Heinrich Richard Miethe.  source:.dailystar

Parents furious that son is expelled after video goes viral

THE parents of a student in Mentakab, Pahang, are furious that their son was expelled from his school for “poor discipline” after a video purportedly showing him being bullied by a classmate was circulated on social media, Tamil dailies reported.
Apparently, the video showed him kneeling on the classroom floor while another student berated him for allegedly throwing away her calculator.
Some teachers were heard asking the girl some questions while she kept scolding the boy.
Deputy Education Minister Datuk P. Kamalanathan ordered a probe into the case.
> A 17-year-old student in Tamil Nadu committed suicide after his parents refused to buy him a motorcycle, Malaysia Nanban reported.
The boy apparently demanded for the motorcycle as he would be going to college next year but his parents refused as he was not eligible for a licence to ride yet.
The boy, furious, left his house at midnight without his parents’ knowledge. He hid under a trailer parked by the roadside near Chennai-Bangalore highway and placed his head under the rear tyres of the trailer.
When the driver started driving away, the boy’s head was crushed.
The driver, who was stunned, immediately called the police.

Voice for justice gets louder

Star Report
With no visible progress in the investigation, protests continued across the country yesterday, demanding justice for Sohagi Jahan Tonu who was killed inside Comilla Cantonment area on March 20.
Students of Comilla Victoria College, where Tonu used to study, blocked the Dhaka-Chittagong highway at Nandanpur area from 11:00am to 2:00pm.
They also brought out a procession participated by members of different local socio-political organisations.
A faction of Gonojagoron Mancha, led by its spokesperson Imran H Sarkar, marched to Comilla from the capital in the morning and joined the locals in a rally there.
At the rally, the Mancha demanded an "unequivocal statement" from the Prime Minister, condemning the incident.
A second-year student of history and a theatre activist at Victoria College, 19-year-old Tonu was found dead about 400 yards away from their house inside Comilla Cantonment on the night of March 20, according to her family members.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal yesterday said law enforcers through investigation would unearth "the truth".
"It is not appropriate to talk [over the issue] before the investigation ends. After investigation, we hopefully will be able to tell you what really had happened there," he told a private television channel.
Superintendent Shah Abid Hossain of Comilla police yesterday said they were yet to arrest anyone in connection with the killing.
The army authority that earlier announced full co-operation into the investigation has handed over some "vital pieces of evidence" to the investigators, he said.
Police also visited the crime scene, the SP added.
Meanwhile, Officer-in-Charge AKM Manjur Alam of the Detective Branch (DB) of Police in Comilla told BBC
Bangla yesterday that they were yet to receive the autopsy report.
The case was handed over to the DB on Sunday.

MC College students form a human chain in front of Sylhet Central Shaheed Minar. Photo: Star
Two delegations of rights bodies Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) and Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association visited the crime scene yesterday. They also talked to Tonu's family.
The district police chief on Saturday had told BBC Bangla that they were facing "some limitations" while probing the murder, as the crime scene is in a restricted area like cantonment.
The Gonojagoron Mancha held a brief rally at Shahbagh in the capital before starting the march to Comilla at 10:00am.
Activists of left-leaning student bodies Bangladesh Chhatra Union and Samajtantrik Chhatra Front joined the programme.
After reaching Comilla town in the afternoon, they held a rally.
Speaking there, Imran H Sarkar said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina took to the street demanding justice for Yasmin.
"We want her to take steps over Tonu murder incident as well," he said.
The Mancha also announced hour-long strikes at all educational institutions of the country and formation of a human chain from 12:00pm on Wednesday.

Gonojagoron Mancha faction spokesperson Imran H Sarker speaking at a road march on Dhaka-Chittagong highway at Gauripur bus stop in Comilla's Daudkandi. The programmes were organised yesterday demanding justice for Sohagi Jahan Tonu who was killed inside Comilla Cantonment area on March 20. Photo: Star
BNP leaders yesterday criticised the government and Sheikh Hasina for "their silence" over the murder of Tonu.
"Tonu's killers feel encouraged as the government high-ups including the prime minister are silent over the issue," BNP Standing Committee Member ASM Hannan Shah said at a human chain in front the Jatiya Press Club.
At another human chain in the same venue, another BNP standing committee member, Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, alleged people are not safe anywhere in the country.
The killings of people like Tonu and journalist couple Sagar-Runi happened due to the absence of good governance in the country, he said.
Dhaka University students formed a human chain at TSC on the campus and blocked the Shahbagh intersection for around half an hour in the afternoon, demanding immediate arrest of the killer(s) of Tonu.
Students of East West University, North South University and Stamford University also brought out processions, protesting the murder.
In Chittagong, several thousand people formed a human chain and staged demonstrations in front of the Chittagong Press Club in the afternoon, demanding capital punishment for the culprit(s). source:.thedailystar.

Tonu’s body to be exhumed for fresh autopsy

A Comilla court today ordered police to exhume the body of Victoria College student Sohagi Jahan Tonu for fresh autopsy.
The court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Joinab Begum passed the order after Manjurul Alam, officer-in-charge of Detective Branch (DB) of police in Comilla, submitted a petition seeking permission for exhumation of the body, the DB official told The Daily Star.
“We seek permission to exhume the body for the sake of investigation,” Manjurul Alam said.source   thedailystar

Kohli masterclass prompts Tendulkar comparisons

Indian great Sachin Tendulkar remains the gold standard of batting in the post-Bradman era but Virat Kohli's latest masterclass in Sunday's World Twenty20 shootout against Australia has prompted comparisons with his famous compatriot.

Not for the first time in the tournament, it took Kohli's masterly knock to get India across the line in a virtual quarter-final against the reigning 50-overs world champions.
Kohli remained unbeaten after a sublime 82, burnishing his reputation as arguably the best chaser in limited-overs cricket with a knock that reminded many of Tendulkar's 143 against Australia in a 1998 one-dayer at Sharjah dubbed "desert storm".
Shane Warne was at the receiving end of Tendulkar's wrath in that match and 18 years since the contest, the Australian spin great saw Tendulkar's shadow in Kohli's latest knock.
"Great knock by @imVkohli Reminded me of one of your many special innings buddy," Warne tweeted to his great rival Tendulkar after Kohli secured India a place in the semi-finals on Sunday.
Kohli bejewelled his knock with two sixes and nine boundaries and sprinted tirelessly between wickets in a flawless display of limited overs batting under tremendous pressure.

FireEye launches services to cut cyber attacks risk

New Delhi, March 28 (IANS) US-based network security company FireEye on Monday launched the "Mandiant Red Team Operations" -- a set of objectives-based assessments that conduct no-holds-barred attacks on organisations to highlight weakness in systems or procedures and to enhance detection and response capabilities.
Additionally, "Mandiant Penetration Testing" was also launched on Monday that offers eight highly customisable penetration test types including penetration tests that assess Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Internet of Things (IoT) devices and mobile applications and devices.
"As we have seen over the last 12 years, determined threat actors will find a way into networks to carry out intellectual property theft, destroy systems, ransom or steal data, or conduct espionage and ultimately maintain their presence for as long as possible," Marshall Heilman, vice president, incident response and red team operations, FireEye, said in a statement.
The features are designed to utilise unique Mandiant methodology that does not harm business operations or data.
Penetration Testing from Mandiant can be customised for embedded device/IoT assessments, mobile device assessments and web application assessments among others.
"IoT and mobile devices are exponentially expanding, the vulnerabilities of organisations as their adoption outpaces security teams' ability to properly vet and secure them. Our decade of knowledge enables us to provide comprehensive recommendations to improve security postures," Heilman noted.
Mandiant is a US cybersecurity firm that was acquired for $1 billion by FireEye.

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